Saturday, November 6, 2010

A Question

So I've got a question for anyone who looks at this blog. But first let me explain the situation.

For about three years, if I wanted to post a music file on this post, I used a hosting service called Vox. I built up a small library of songs on my Vox account, and the posts here linked to the actual songs that I had uploaded to Vox. But Vox shut down not long ago. Fortunately I was able to migrate my account, including all my posts, to Unfortunately, all the links broke. So if you go to one of the old posts on this blog that linked to Vox, you will be directed to my typepad account, but not to any particular link -- you'd have to search for that specific song.

So here's my question: should I go in and try to fix all the links on the old posts? It's labor-intensive work, and if people don't really care, there's not much point in doing it. But if people do care, I'll do it. So let me know what you think.

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